PrivacyPrivacy Policy
Guedes Pinto, Mediação Imobiliária, Lda
Who we are
Our website address is:
About data processing
This Privacy Policy determines the general conditions for the processing of personal data collected by GUEDES PINTO Mediação Imobiliária, Lda (hereinafter “GUEDES PINTO”), with registered office at Rua Pêro da Covilhã, nº 225 – 10.º Sul 4150-612 Porto and with NIF nº 501600841, always prioritizing your privacy and ensuring compliance with the New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) UE2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27, 2016 and other applicable national legislation and regulations in force.
Entity responsible for data processing
GUEDES PINTO Mediação Imobiliária, Lda is the entity responsible for processing your personal data.
What data do we collect
Browsing this website does not collect personal information, however, as a contact request form and information request form are available, its use will involve the introduction of personal data, namely name, address, telephone and email. Website navigation information is collected using session cookies but which do not specifically identify you. The personal data collected and processed by GUEDES PINTO are only those provided and consented to by customers, partners or suppliers in strict compliance with the provision of contracted services. GUEDES PINTO does not collect personal data or accept requests for information from minors aged 16 or under.
How we use your data
Customer data will only be used essentially in the contractual fulfillment of the provision of services and in compliance with applicable legal obligations, and may be provided to third parties, strictly within the scope of that provision of services and for which they are essential to the proper execution of the same or within the scope of legal obligations.
Personal data retention period
Personal data will only be kept for the minimum period necessary for the contractual and legal obligations that motivated their collection and for the fulfillment of any obligations imposed on GUEDES PINTO within the legal or judicial deadlines for the conservation of this personal data.
Personal data security
GUEDES PINTO is concerned with your security and privacy and therefore follows technical and organizational procedures that ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of keeping personal data on file and during their transmission, limiting their use to the strictly necessary and in a limited way for the purpose for which they were collected.
Right to access and correct personal data
The holder of personal data is guaranteed and granted, under applicable legal terms, the right to object, access, rectify, forget, limit processing as well as the portability of their personal data. The exercise of these rights must be requested to the email address or by written request to the headquarters located at Rua Pêro da Covilhã, nº 225 – 10.º Sul 4150-612 Porto.
Cookies and links
The GUEDES PINTO website uses technical session cookies, does not use analysis cookies, advertising cookies, personalization cookies or behavioral advertising cookies. Technical cookies are essential cookies to be able to browse and use all the website’s features, they do not collect information that allows the user to be identified. Its deactivation may change the correct way of viewing the website’s contents and may even result in the limitation or impossibility of its viewing. Session cookies are technical cookies with the function of saving the user’s choices while browsing the website. They will be deleted as soon as you exit the browser. They are limited solely to the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the website. We are not responsible for the content and accuracy of the terms and conditions of use and privacy policies of third-party cookies. You can configure your browser to not accept cookies, however failure to activate cookies may result in some website features running incorrectly. The user can prevent/limit the storage of cookies through the settings in their browser. This way you can access the privacy configuration options and select the option that allows you to disable the automatic acceptance of cookies. Below we provide links to cookie configuration instructions for the various browsers: Google Chrome™, Microsoft Internet Explorer™, Mozilla Firefox™, Apple Safari™, Opera™, Microsoft Edge™. This website may contain links to external websites. We advise you to consult the privacy policies of these websites, as this privacy policy only refers to this website.
Changes to the privacy policy
The updated version of our privacy policy will always be available on our website. GUEDES PINTO reserves the right to change this privacy policy whenever it deems appropriate and without prior notice.
Contacts and clarifications
If you have any questions regarding the processing of personal data, please contact us at the headquarters at Rua Pêro da Covilhã, nº 225 – 10.º Sul 4150-612 Porto., or alternatively at +351 917 569 743 (call for the national mobile network) or by email: